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My organic approach to integration addresses the significance of relational ethics, energetic boundaries, building community, rooting in your prayer, honoring sensitivity, attuning to the body, healthy thinking, languaging experiences, and tending intentions. As a resource, I will also help you practice divine recognition, ease into a more gentle, sustained sacred remembrance of your innate gifts and power, and move gracefully (over time) from a place of insight to a place of embodiment. From holding a safe container for processing, to providing guidance in the form of meditations and visualization practices, and offering cultural-, animist-, and psycho-education frameworks of support, what’s most important for me is that you develop a strong, healthy, supportive relationship with the plant(s) with whom you work—a relationship of safety, integrity, wonder, and possibility. 

70 min / $129


Ceremony Preparation Sessions are for those who are considering, feeling a call toward, or planning to sit in ceremony with Ayahuasca or other sacred plant medicines, or take part in a traditional samá. Sessions may include medical screening and assessment, somatic-oriented intention setting, (inter)cultural education workshops, tips for ceremonial and retreat preparation, easing anxiety around the experience, discussing expectations and ceremonial information, providing necessary base information around Amazonian plant work (for first-timers), preparing for integration, and answering any questions. As with other sessions, my prayer is that these sessions be organic, collaborative, lightly structured, and mostly intuitive; we will cater to your interests and present needs in the moment.

70 min / $99



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Transformation Support Sessions are intended to support those who are moving through and navigating a difficult period of initiation or transformation. This might involve a dramatic shift in one’s relationship to spirituality, a sudden or unexpected expansion of consciousness, a series of discoveries that challenge one’s old identity and sense of self, the onset and/or experience of severe chronic illness, difficulty making sense of a transformative journey with psychoactive medicines, or any other shift in one’s relationship with spirituality and the divine. No matter what it may involve, it is my belief that we each deserve care, love, and support to help us move through the biggest mysteries of our lives.


Cultural communities all around the earth have developed, over long periods of time, traditions and rituals to support people’s deep-level transformations at different stages in life. We might call these initiations, and in the West, we are in the process of relearning how to hold each other during these delicate and often-confusing periods. Relatively, the West is generally lacking of cultural containers and communities of mystery-holding and transformational guidance—these deep-level acknowledgments of difficult transition that are usually, in many cases, guided by a community’s elders.


I am here to humbly offer my support to those who are going through profound transitions in their body, mind, and spirit. The gifts of this offering emerge from many years of healing my own wounds of spiritual disconnection, many years of integrating transformative experiences with Amazonian plant medicine, and many years of suffering from and eventually healing severe chronic illness. 


These sessions are grounded in, and intended to support: presence, body attunement, processing insights and experiences, identifying needs, slowing down and sacred rest, honoring boundaries, rooting intentions, languaging and activating the voice, identifying and utilizing resources, and establishing practices for living in a healthier, more balanced relationship with thoughts and the nervous system. Ultimately I am interested in being present for you, supporting your inner wisdom, and helping your insights land in the body.

70 min / $129

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*I am not a trauma therapist. In the case that there is a need for more support, I will refer you to a trained, specialized therapist.


**I will never turn down clients for lack of funds. If you need additional financial support for these offerings, feel free to reach out and I am happy to offer services at a discounted rate that meets your needs.


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graphics by Paulina Pagán Picó

© 2024 Ancient Bloom

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